What’s The Sajewell Blog About?

Xin chào, hello, welcome to my very first blog. My name is Sương Nguyễn, founder/owner of Sajewell. I have been meaning to start The Sajewell Blog for a while since I love sharing stories and listening to people's ideas during my business journey.
Sajewell first blog
Why Am I Blogging?
I created The Sajewell Blog with the intention to share information, interact with you all, and hopefully bring more value to everyone.

1. Jewelry Facts & Tips
How to choose the perfect earrings for your face shape?
How to measure ring sizes at home?
What is Titanium?
Diamond facts...

2. Sajewell Journey
Sajewell story.
Meet the founder.
Sajewell eco-friendly packaging...

3. Trending Topics
Normalizing women's body hair.
Women are definitely redesigning the world.
Should gender be the standard for beauty evaluation?...
4. Motivation & Inspiration
Stop comparing yourself to others.
Inspirational quotes to recharge your energy.
What makes you unique, what makes you beautiful...

Who Am I Writing For?
EVERYONE. With the different topics I have created, I hope many of you can reach each when you need it the most.
How Can You Get Involved?
  1. Log In/ Sign Up with Email, or Google account to get involved all the way.
  2. Leave your comment, read others' comments, and share every post.
Finally, thank you a lot for following Sajewell from the first days. I am looking forward to seeing your comment, like, and share. Don't forget to join the email list to be the first to hear about my latest promotions, new products, weekly topics, and more.

See you <3
Sương - The founder/owner of Sajewell
#sajewell #TheSajewellBlog #jewelryshop #firstblog

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